Panel: Community Histories
Laura Moriarty's most recent books are A Semblance: Selected & New Poetry 1975-2007 from Omnidawn Publishing and An Air Force, a chapbook from Hooke Press. Other recent books are Ultravioleta, a novel, from Atelos and Self-Destruction, a book of poetry, from Post-Apollo Press. She has taught at Mills College and Naropa University among other places & is currently Deputy Director of Small Press Distribution. She is findable on-line at A Tonalist Notes and related blogs.
Outlaws, Lone Wolves and Made Poets: Bay Area Poetics and Group Formation from the 70s to the Present: Who is in? Who is out? Who cares? What is the coin of the realm in the poetry world? How do we earn it? How spend it? Is there a secret spiritual history? What about politics? How do you tell if you are in a group or if your group exists? Laura Moriarty will address questions such as these by disscussing how publication, teaching, reading and one's personal and social lives come together to form the poetry world(s) we believe we are in.